CD Replication for Your Music Album
A music album is something that you will listen to time and again, especially for pleasure and relaxation. So it is important when you are buying CD replications on music that you ensure that the CDs and DVDs you purchase are of top quality.
Begin Your Search
After going on the internet and looking at list after list of manufacturers, check out those who have a wide range of all the services involved in CD replication. Details to check out would be – is it a CD replication one-stop service? Do they undertake pressing of the major formats of disc production? Are they cost effective?
Factory Finishing
The process used for the discs should be factory pressed stampers done at the time of the glass mastering. The discs should be compatible to play on all players. Recordable discs should not be used for CD duplication as they will not be compatible with a pressed disc.
Printing and Packaging
A good CD replication company will ensure the CD printing can be arranged in full colour – by either silk screen or offset-litho. You can be guided by the manufacturers as to which option is better for you.
With regard to packaging this will depend mostly on your budget. Besides the usual CD album cases which are still popular, you could also opt for CD booklets with pages running from 2-32.
Other forms of packaging you can opt for, are packaging of CD cards, or card wallets. As mentioned above actual choice of packaging will depend on how much you would like to spend.
Production Schedule
It takes time to produce a good CD master. The process is detailed and cannot be done in a hurry if quality is required. Only when the printed package is ready should a CD press be allocated for disc replicating.
Once the discs are ready they are sent for packing and over-wrapping. Some manufacturers are willing to send a sample of their work for your approval.
By now, you will understand that if you really want quality CD replication for your music album you will take the trouble and ensure that all the above steps are adhered to. The process is not achieved by just popping a CD in and pressing buttons.
So take time to find the right manufacturer and ensure all important aspects of CD replication are adhered to, leaving them enough time (around 2 weeks) to get the job done professionally and perfectly.